Pen Truth

Christopher Saikes




If the point of repatriations is to undo wrongs, shouldn’t those reparations be to the communities, building up the black communities, creating opportunities, jobs, housing, education?

Pen Truth

Christopher Saikes



I do contend that the War On Drugs has been a long and ongoing crime against humanity.  These might be harsh words, but this is an appropriate stance in light of the available evidence that has come forward in recent years.

Short Memory Forgotten History

Posted: 5th December 2015 by Christopher Saikes in Blog, Commentary, Current Affairs, Politics
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Pen Truth

Christopher Saikes

When 1992 rolled around I was fed up with GOP incompetence and the growing religious faction taking over the party that I then favored, but I didn’t trust the Democrats either.

Enter Ross Perot, the Conservative, Non Establishment Bernie Sanders of the 1992 election cycle.

Tragedy Or Coincidence?

Posted: 4th December 2015 by Christopher Saikes in Blog, Commentary, News, Politics
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Pen Truth

Christopher Saikes


All of this is getting beyond any form of reason or comprehension. With all of the police killings of unarmed persons in the news and the accompanying video, one would think the police would be on guard rather than escalating the violence.