Recently I bought a Stratux Vk-162 Remote Mount USB GPS online from Amazon. Since I have worked with various GPS modules over the years, USB and OEM boards, I decided to do a short tutorial. This is a .Net based tutorial in VB to demonstrate how to decode a NMEA sentence.
Snails, The Bane Of Gardening
Posted: 25th September 2016 by Christopher Saikes in Commentary, Creative Writing, Economy, GardeningTags: food, Gardening, juicer, juicing, mulching, Naked Gardening, natural, Organic, pesticide free, pesticides, snails, Vegetables
I like juicing. There is nothing that tastes better than a juice made from good blend of fresh vegetables. Over the last thirty years I have owned several juicers. My current juicer is the Breville JE98XL Juice Extractor and I will state that it is the best that I have owned so far.