I have a simple solution. Lets have an “Opt Out” for manufacturers and food suppliers. No regulation on their products what so ever except for two. First, a big yellow label yield sign with the words “Opt Out”.
Posts Tagged ‘Obama’
To Regulate, Or Not Regulate.
Posted: 8th February 2011 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: Bankruptcy, commerce, dollars, economy, government, Obama, regulation
Posted: 18th November 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: Arab, Ata-boy, Bush, Cheap Labor, Dumb Asses, Nixon, Obama, Oil, Republicans
Bush made-out with an Arab leader in public, they kissed and held hands.
Health Care Reform Dogs
Posted: 31st July 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: blue dogs, Democrats, DNC, healthcare, Obama
After reading an online article written by Congressman Hoyer of Maryland justifying slowing down health care reform. I sent him this e-mail: >>Dear Congressman Hoyer,
The One Dollar A Month Campaign. How To Fix Our Political System.
Posted: 28th March 2014 by Christopher Saikes in Blog, Commentary, Current Affairs, General Comments, PoliticsTags: Campaign Financing, corporations, Corruption, DNC, Independent, Lobbing, News, Obama, Political, Politicians, Republican, RNC, Romney, vote, Voters, Voters Democrat, Wealthy Donors
Still think that politicians taking corporate money is not the voters fault? How much did you give?