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Posts Tagged ‘Science’
Reading List
Posted: 25th July 2011 by Mike Trent in BooksTags: death, gravity, justice, Know It All, Lost Symbol, moon, Mythology, Science, Space, time, understanding
Gravity; Cleaning up some of the pieces.
Posted: 14th July 2010 by Mike Trent in Science, SpaceTags: gravity, Science, Space
Just as cavemen understood how to create fire,that it produces heat and how to utilize fire for their benefit and survival, too, we know only this much about gravity.
Ice confirmed on the moon.
Posted: 14th November 2009 by Mike Trent in Science, SpaceTags: international treaty, mining, moon, NASA, Science, Space
Just because we build rockets and have been to the moon, we are not yet a space-faring society. Not only have we not reached our back yard fence, we are not even sure what our back yard fence looks like.
Fusion. The “Holy Grail” of physics.
Posted: 28th March 2009 by Mike Trent in Science, TechnologyTags: dollars, fusion, government, physice, Science
Pen Truth Contributor The promise of fusion has been long coming. Billions of dollars have been spent worldwide in the hot pursuit of the process that burns inside our Sun and the rest of the stars in our galaxy. The projects and the science behind this quest have been as large as the hopes of […]