Poetry Is The Heart Of Liberty.
Posts Tagged ‘moon’
Reading List
Posted: 25th July 2011 by Mike Trent in BooksTags: death, gravity, justice, Know It All, Lost Symbol, moon, Mythology, Science, Space, time, understanding
Ice confirmed on the moon.
Posted: 14th November 2009 by Mike Trent in Science, SpaceTags: international treaty, mining, moon, NASA, Science, Space
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Just because we build rockets and have been to the moon, we are not yet a space-faring society. Not only have we not reached our back yard fence, we are not even sure what our back yard fence looks like.
Why Not The Moon?
Posted: 22nd October 2009 by Mike Trent in Current Affairs, SpaceTags: conspiracy theories, Dark Mission, ISS, Mars, moon, NASA, Space Station
Lame. Beyond lame, criminally incompetent.
One Giant Leap, Backwards?
Posted: 4th April 2009 by Mike Trent in Current Affairs, Politics, Science, Space, TechnologyTags: Apollo, lunar, moon, NASA, Orion, Space
Pen Truth Contributor Three parachutes open with the capsule swaying slowly below, barely seen against the canvas of the vibrant cloudless blue sky. Astronauts returning to earth head toward a splash down into the Pacific Ocean. Helicopters buzz around the floating city that is the aircraft carrier. All standing on the deck cheering, having waited […]