VB.NET Quick Tip – Using The FTDI USB To Serial Cable
Posted: 22nd November 2015 by Mike Trent in Computer, Electronics, Hack, Programming, Quick Tip, Quick Tips, Science, Technology, VB.NetTags: Code, FTDI, Hack, microcontroller devices, Programming, Tutorial, USB to Serial Converter, Vb.Net, vs2013
Building on the previous post VB.NET Quick Tip – Reading A USB GPS, I will show how to use a USB to Serial cable manufactured by FTDI. In my projects, prototyping and final products I use the FTDI TTL-232R extensively. The cable is reasonably priced and comes in two varieties, a 5 volt and 3.3 volt model.
VB.NET Quick Tip – Reading A USB GPS
Posted: 21st November 2015 by Mike Trent in Computer, Electronics, General Comments, Hack, Physics, Programming, Quick Tip, Quick Tips, Science, Technology, VB.NetTags: Blog, Com, GPS, Hack, microcontroller devices, NMEA, Port, Programming, Science, Serial, time, Tutorial, understanding, USB, Vb.Net, vs2013
Several years ago, 2000ish I developed a Tower Clock Controller that captured the WWVB signal from Fort Collins, Colorado and converted it to the format used by the Tower Clock Drive Boards manufactured by the company that I work for. For that project I used a device that was available for Basic Stamp projects. Later on when those devices became unavailable I redesigned the project for a GPS module.
VB.NET Quick Tip – How To Ping All IPs On Your Network
Posted: 15th November 2015 by Mike Trent in Blog, Computer, Hack, Programming, Quick Tip, VB.NetTags: Devices, Direct, Dirext+, DNS, Hack, microcontroller devices, Network Information, Ping, Programming, Router, Sockets, TCIP, understanding, Vb.Net, Xport
One of the products that I occasionally work with is the Xport Direct from Lantronix. One of the shortcomings is that the DNS server on LAN routers will not return the DHCP Device Name when a DNS request is made. This is not very convenient when you require your customer to set aside an IP before the installation. This means that you can’t simply create a Client Socket and connect using only the Host Name and Port Number. This also means that for one to write software to communicate with the device you have to give the Xport Direct a fixed IP address and connect using the IP and Port Number.
A Serious Chance Of Winning The Presidency.
Posted: 13th September 2015 by Christopher Saikes in Blog, Current Affairs, History, News, PoliticsTags: #Bernie2016, #FeelTheBern, #Sanders2016, 2016 Election, 2016 Primary, Bern, Bernie Sanders, democracy, DNC, Election, Feel The Bern, government, Primaries, Primary, Sanders, vote
I have had a fellow Democrat comment on one of my social media page posts that he would not vote for Bernie Sanders because Sanders is not a Democrat.