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Archive for the ‘Current Affairs’ Category
Let Me Get This Straight.
Posted: 30th September 2010 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, General Comments, Politics, Religion & PhilosophyTags: democracy, government, justice, understanding
Posted: 18th November 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: Arab, Ata-boy, Bush, Cheap Labor, Dumb Asses, Nixon, Obama, Oil, Republicans
Bush made-out with an Arab leader in public, they kissed and held hands.
Why Not The Moon?
Posted: 22nd October 2009 by Mike Trent in Current Affairs, SpaceTags: conspiracy theories, Dark Mission, ISS, Mars, moon, NASA, Space Station
Lame. Beyond lame, criminally incompetent.
Conservatives Are Rewriting The “Liberal” Bible
Posted: 2nd January 2011 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, General Comments, Politics, Religion & PhilosophyTags: bible, hypocrite, hypocritical, religion, right wing, Teabaggers, wingnuts
I know the blaspheme of those that say they are Christians