The sands of time shift through that desert, seemingly barren of life, we all wander.
Author Archive
Charon waiting at the shore. (συνέχεια)
Posted: 6th August 2011 by Mike Trent in Creative Writing, PoetryTags: Anubis, Boat, Charon, death, Desert, Ferryman, ghosts, Mythology, Poetry, river, Shore, time
The Upgrading Blues.
Posted: 28th July 2011 by Mike Trent in UncategorizedTags: Blog, Database, TwitterFeed, Upgrade
I just finished upgrading my TwitterFeed, after finishing rebuilding my blog site, after upgrading my diastase to a newer version, so that WP would allow me to upgrade WP to the latest version, after having backed up all my files. GOD, am I glad that this time I backed up first.
Reading List
Posted: 25th July 2011 by Mike Trent in BooksTags: death, gravity, justice, Know It All, Lost Symbol, moon, Mythology, Science, Space, time, understanding
Poetry Is The Heart Of Liberty.
Planning On Buying An eReader Or Android Tablet?
Posted: 17th March 2011 by Mike Trent in Books, Computer, ElectronicsTags: 3G, 4G, Android, Android Tablet, aPad, eReader, Google, Tablet PC, Wi-Fi
Since I use “Kindle for PC” to read my eBooks on my PC, I wanted an eReader that would also run Kindle for Android so that I could read on the go. I decided to get the White Pandigital Novel which runs the newer Android version