Pen Truth Contributor
My Reading List (not complete, but trying.) This list does not include text books, reference books, programming books or training manuals. This list does not imply that I particularly liked the book or am recommending the books that appear in my reading list. One day I will add a brief evaluation or rating system, just not today.
- #
2012, The War for Souls” by Whitley Strieber, 2007
- A
Above Top Secret, by Jim Marrs, 2008
A.D. After Disclosure, Richard M. Dolan Bryce Zabel, 2010
Andromeda Strain, The, by Michael Crichton, 1969
Angles and Demons, by Dan Brown, 2006
- B
Beneath The Pyramids, by Andrew Collins, 2009
Bhagavad-Gita, The, Sir Edwin Arnold, 2013
Big Bang Never Happened, The, by Eric Lerner, 1991
Breath of God, The, Jeffrey Small, 2011
Buddha, by Deppak Chopra, 2007
- C
Celestine Prophecy, The, by James Redfield, 1993
Communion, by Whitley Strieber, 19
Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, The, Geza Vermes, 2004
Confessions of an Economic Hitman, by John Perkins, 2004
Congo, by Michael Crichton, 1980
Contact: Countdown To Transformation, by Steven M. Greer, MD, 2009
Cosmic War, The Cosmic War Evidence, By Dr. J Farrell Richard Hoglans, 2008
- D
Da Vinci Code, The, by Dan Brown, 2003
Day After Roswell, The, Phillip J. Corso, 1997
Dark Mission, by Richard Hoagland & Mike Bara, 2007
Door into Summer, The, by Robert Heinlein, 1957
DMT: The Spirit Molecule, by Rich Strassman, MD, 2001
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, 1968
Dress For Success, by John T. Molloy, 1975
Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, The, by Robert Eisenman Michael Wise, 1992
Dhammapada (The Buddha’s Path of Truth), The, by The Buddha
- E
Electric Sky, by Donald E. Scott, 2006
End of Suffering, The, by Russell Targ & JJ Hurtak, 2006
Entangled, The Eater of Souls, bu Graham Hancock, 2010
Evolution of The Plasma Universe, I & II, by Anthony L. Peratt, 1986
Electric Universe: The Shocking True Story of Electricity
- F
Foucault Pendulum, by Umberto Eco, 1988
Finger Prints of the Gods, by Graham Hancock, 1995
First Man, Then Adam, by Ginsbuch, 1975
Flying Saucers- Here and Now, by Frank Edwards, 1967
Four Noble Truths, The, The Dalai Lama, 1997
Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science, by Robert Lomas, 2002
Friday, by Robert Heinlein, 1982
- G
Ghosts from the Grand Banks, Arther C Clark, 1990
Gods of Eden, The, William Bramley, 1989
- H
Hamlet’s Mill, by Giorgio De Santillana & Hertha Von Dechend, 1997
Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, by Robert Heinlein, 1958
Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt, The, by Ahmed Osman, 1987
Holy Blood, Holy Grail, by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh Henry Lincoln, 1992
Hot Zone, The, by Richard Preston, 1994
Hunt For Red October, The, Tom Clancy, 1984
- I
Ice, by Anna Kavan aka Helen Emily Woods, 1969
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, by Richard Bach, 1977
In the Time of Man,
- J
Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach, 1970
Journey to Ixtlan, by Carlos Castaneda, 1972
Joy of Sex, The, by Alex Comfort, M.B., Ph.D, 1972
Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton, 1990
- K
- L
Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight.., The, Thom Hartmann, 1998
Limitless Mind, A Guide To Remote Viewing, by Russell Targ, 2004
Lost World, The, by Michael Crichton, 1994
- M
Majestic, by Whitley Strieber, 1989
Memoirs of a Psychic Spy, by Joseph McMoneagle, 2006
Men Who Stare At Goats, The, by Jon Ronson, 2004
Message of the Sphinx, The, by Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, 199
Mind Trek, by Joseph McMoneagle, 1993, 1997
- N
NASA Conspiracies: The Truth Behind the Moon Landings, The, by Nick Redfern, 2011
New Mandela – Eastern Wisdom, The, by Rev. John Lundin with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 2001
Number of the Beast, The, by Robert Heinlein, 1980
- O
Orphans in the Sky, by Robert Heinlein, 1963
- P
Popcorn Report, The, Faith Plotkin, 1992
Project Hindsight, Steven Pajak, 2011
Proof of Ezekiel’s ETs – Extreme UFOs of The Bible, by Chet Dembeck, 1961/2009
Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, Alexander III M.D. , 2012
Psi Spies, by Jim Marrs, 2007
Puppet Master, The, by Robert Heinlein, 1951
- Q
Quantum Enigma, by Bruce Rosenblum & Fred Kuttner, 2006
- R
Red Planet, The, by Robert Heinlein, 1949
Rosslyn, Guardian of the Holy Grail, by Tim Wallace-Murphy, Marilyn Hopkins, 1998
Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marr, 2001
- S
Search For A Soul: Taylor Caldwell’s Past Lives, The, by Jess Stern, 1973
Second Messiah, The, by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas, 1997
Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the 11th Insight, The, by James Redfield, 2005
Seventh Sense, The, by Lyn Buchanan, 2003
Science Was Wrong: Startling Truths… , by Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden, 2010
Shogun,by James Clavell, 1979
Sign and the Seal, The, by Graham Hancock, 1992
Simpsons: An Uncensored, Unauthorized History, The, John Ortved, 2009
Secret History of the World, The, by Mark Booth, 2010
Solo, by Robert Manson, 1992
Space Cadet, by Robert Heinlein, 1948
Sphere, by Michael Crichton, 1987
Sphinx Mystery, The, by Robert Temple and Olivia Temple, 2009
Stargate Conspiracy, The, by Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince, 1999/2000
Stephen Hawking – Quest for the Theory of Everything, by Kitty Ferguson, 1991
Stephen Hawking – The Universe in a Nutshell, by Stephen Hawking, 2001
Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel, The, Philip Coppens, 2004 3rd Ed.
Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein, 1961
Supernatural, by Graham Hancock, 2007
- T
Tao of Physics, The, by Fritjof Capra, 1975
Templars’ Secret Island, The, by Erling Haagensen & Henry Lincoln, 2000
Templars in America, by Tim Wallace-Murphy & Marilyn Hopkins, 2004
Thin Air, by George E. Simpson and Neal R. Burger, 1978
Transformation, by Whitley Strieber, 1998
Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision, The, James Redfield, 2011
- U
UFO’s and the National Security State, by Richard M Dolan, 2002
UFO Cover-up, The, by Lawrence Fawcett & Barry J Greenwood, 1984
UFO’s: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On The Record, by Leslie Kean, 2010
UFO’s: Here and Now, by K. G”Osta Rehn , 1974
- V
- W
Waldo, and Magic Inc., by Robert Heinlein, 1950
Way Of The Explorer, The, by Edgar Mitchell, 1996
Winter’s Tale, by Mark Helprin, 1983
Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government’s Biggest Cover-Up, by Thomas J. Carey; Donald R. Schmitt, 2009
- X
- Y
- Z
There are others I have not remembered, but as I do, I will add them.