Posts Tagged ‘justice’

Please vote this November, and remember, the country that you save is yours.

Disorderly Conduct and Probable Cause.

Posted: 25th July 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, Politics
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A Harvard professor, Henry Gates was arrested at his home for disorderly conduct in public.  At His Home!  Forget the racial aspect of this case for the moment, when does being irate on one’s own property allow the police to arrest one for disorderly conduct in public?

We need a fair tax structure.

Posted: 5th April 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, Politics
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In anticipation of the economic crisis and the possibility of losing my job, I closed one of my IRAs that I had opened only 5 months earlier. I used the money to pay off my credit cards because the company I work is having real trouble keeping the doors open.  This decision cost me almost half of […]