Here is a challenge, “Would You Be Better Off In 1970?” The debate over minimum wage is contentious, to say the least. Some economists argue that the minimum wage should be $16 an hour, but is that really true? A lot of numbers get tossed around, but what do they represent? How can the average person make an informed decision when the numbers we are to compare are so far apart?
Would You Be Better Off In 1970?
Posted: 6th August 2014 by Christopher Saikes in Blog, Current Affairs, Economy, HistoryTags: Bankruptcy, democracy, dollars, economy, Finance, GOP, vote
The One Dollar A Month Campaign. How To Fix Our Political System.
Posted: 28th March 2014 by Christopher Saikes in Blog, Commentary, Current Affairs, General Comments, PoliticsTags: Campaign Financing, corporations, Corruption, DNC, Independent, Lobbing, News, Obama, Political, Politicians, Republican, RNC, Romney, vote, Voters, Voters Democrat, Wealthy Donors
I am so tired of people complaining about how politicians are “OWNED” by the corporations because they take corporate money. It is true that they do get the majority of their money from the rich and powerful, but it is the voters fault.
Why do I blame the voter? Simple. I will spell it out in the simplest way possible. In 2012, both Obama and Romney forces spent just over $2.3 billion on the election1. No chump change here, right?
Here is another fact; At any one time there are about 72 million registered Democrats, 55 million registered Republicans, and 44 million registered Independent in any one year2.
That $2.3 billion is just for the presidential elections, which only come around once every four years. So here is where that $1 a month idea comes into play… 174 million voters giving $1 a month, or $12 a year is just under $2.09 BILLION ……. Times that by four years.
Still think that politicians taking corporate money is not the voters fault? How much did you give?
VB.NET Quick Tip – How To, Context Menu Hack
Posted: 26th December 2013 by Mike Trent in Blog, Programming, Quick Tips, Science, Technology, VB.NetTags: Code, Form Controls, Programming, Quick Tips, Tutorial, Vb.Net, VS2008
To continue with the idea presented in my last two posts, I will show how to group Context Menu item selections under the same event.
VB.NET Quick Tip – How To, Form Button Hack
Posted: 26th December 2013 by Mike Trent in Blog, Computer, Programming, Science, Technology, VB.NetTags: Form Controls, Hack, Programming, Tutorial, Vb.Net, VS2008
To expand on the idea presented in my post; VB.NET Quick Tip – How To Radio Button Hack, I will show how to group regular form button presses under the same event.