An opinion can be represented many ways; verbally, written, in song, by body language (usually in the form of a hand gesture,) and by action or non action. Actions can be as outwardly as public a protest or as private as simply making a donation to a cause or just going to the polls and voting.
Dollar Democracy, what is your opinion?
Posted: 16th May 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: damocracy, dollar, Obama, vote
Posted: 8th May 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: christian, corporate, fairness, family, Taxes, value
The following is from an earlier blog posted on another site May 8, 2009.
We all know what the word value means. The word “Value” is in our face constantly, “Family Values”, “Christian Values”, “Excellent Value”, “Under Valued”, “Over Valued”, etc. The term value is thrown around like some grand ideal yet those that generally throw around this word have a perverted definition of the term.
We need a fair tax structure.
Posted: 5th April 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: democracy, dollars, government, justice
In anticipation of the economic crisis and the possibility of losing my job, I closed one of my IRAs that I had opened only 5 months earlier. I used the money to pay off my credit cards because the company I work is having real trouble keeping the doors open. This decision cost me almost half of the total amount in taxes. I already paid taxes on this money when I earned it.
Due to the work slowdown I already earned less in 08 than I did in 07. By January my other IRA lost 75% of its value, but I will never get to deduct that from my taxes. That account had not fully recovered from the 2001 stock market meltdown.
This is not a fair structure if you are not in the millionare’s club. If you owe over 36 thousand you can get away with paying as little as 4 thousand by negotiating with the IRS. Who thought up this little cluster of luck?
One Giant Leap, Backwards?
Posted: 4th April 2009 by Mike Trent in Current Affairs, Politics, Science, Space, TechnologyTags: Apollo, lunar, moon, NASA, Orion, Space
Three parachutes open with the capsule swaying slowly below, barely seen against the canvas of the vibrant cloudless blue sky. Astronauts returning to earth head toward a splash down into the Pacific Ocean. Helicopters buzz around the floating city that is the aircraft carrier. All standing on the deck cheering, having waited in breathless anticipation for the hero’s return from the moon.