Shut Down The Shout Down

Posted: 8th August 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, Politics
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Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

I don’t know about the rest of the people visiting this site, but I am so tired of the lies and tactics of conservatives over health care.  These “Shout Downs” are a disgrace.   I have decided to create a form that those against the healthcare reform bill can sign.  I entitled it “Declaration Of Principals” and It reads:

Health Care Reform Dogs

Posted: 31st July 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, Politics
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Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

After reading an online article written by Congressman Hoyer of Maryland justifying slowing down health care reform. I sent him this e-mail:

>>Dear Congressman Hoyer,

Disorderly Conduct and Probable Cause.

Posted: 25th July 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, Politics
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Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

A Harvard professor, Henry Gates was arrested at his home for disorderly conduct in public.  At His Home!  Forget the racial aspect of this case for the moment, when does being irate on one’s own property allow the police to arrest one for disorderly conduct in public?

Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

The Iranian people are actually following our lead. The United States has been a beacon of hope to the world not because we say so, but because our actions in the past have not been those of self interest. We stand for the rule of law, the will of the people and support common interests.