One of the things about a Linux system is how easy it is to create and run Shell Scripts, finding good examples on the net isn’t.  I needed a way to check if a directory exists before trying to create it and do work within that new directory.  There are a lot of on-line communities dedicated to Linux topics.  The trouble is that there is a lot of confusing advice.  I believe the reason is that there are a lot of well meaning but inexperienced users on those sites giving out advice.

Mike Trethowan

As a “Newbie” to Linux, I am still learning new things. As I work my way through the forest of information, blazing a trail towards Android Development, I will begin posting my successes and tips on my failures for those brave souls that follow.

Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

Two days he lay there, unconscious, labored breathing, skin clammy, his olive complexion now pale, face gaunt. The man that lay before me now is only half the man of my memories. Me, I sat there with him day and night for two days now with my brothers gathered around and little sleep, not realize it at the time his unconscious state was drug induced. My thoughts drifting though my attention held fast, wondering how we ended up here in this desert, little sleep, listening to the gurgled tones rising from him, struck by the stark reality, he would soon die.

Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

First, SSI (Social Security Insurance) is neither “Evil” nor a “Scam”.  This is all “Myth Making.”  If one were to believe all of the myth making, one would believe that SSI is failing and should be “Privatized.