I am using the BeagleBoard development board that can run the Android platform to learn both kernel development and programming the Android platform.  As Ubuntu is the recommended platform for developing Android, I am working in the Ubuntu 11.10 desktop environment on an Acer Aspire set up with both Windows 7 and Ubuntu as a dual boot system.  I only reason that kept Windows 7 is that I have a lot of engineering software for windows, otherwise I would have built a purely Linux/Ubuntu computer

Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

Is the U.S. economy broken?  No, it’s shattered, at least for the millions of displaced workers it is.  Wall Street however, is doing fine thank you.  This untenable situation has given rise to both the TEA movement and OWS, otherwise known as Occupy Wall Street.  As we can all agree, the system is flat out broken.  The media giants, the machine of the corporations are playing fast and foot loose with truth, dishing out hyperbole crafted to divide our society even further.  The media,  the corporate propaganda machine is playing a well financed hand of Machiavellian Politics and we, every day Joe and Jane America will be the losers if we fall to its venomous bite.


Well, it has been awhile since my last message on the (now Pen Truth Blog.).  But this probably worked out for the best.  I’ve learned one of the most important lessons, which is that even though your bankruptcy has been discharged, there are certain obligations which are not wiped out by bankruptcy.  In my case this includes Property Taxes and Home Owners Dues (I live in a condominium complex).  To start with, my HOA (Home Owners Assoc.) dues were raised considerably because so many owners walked away from their houses.  I chose to not do  this and and definitely want to keep my home.  My little house is described as a condo, but I think of it as my little house and totally want to stay here.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.