Resolving String Theory and Gravity

Posted: 29th August 2009 by Mike Trent in Science
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Mike Trethowan Pen Truth Contributor

Since I first learned of the theory several years ago (and I mean several), String theory took some time for me to warm up to.  The explanations of vibrations or wave states appealed to me because they are easy to identify with, especially since energy is, to put it succinctly energetic, other aspects did not make it into my model of the universe.  Gravity; wow, how to get a handle on that one.  Not only do we (when I use the term we, I refer to the collective we of society, my belief being that what science knows, society knows as a whole.)  Not only do we not know what gravity is, we don’t know what space is.  Hell, we don’t know what time is.  I am mechanically minded and approach problems from that prospective.  I have to be able to build the model in my mind and play with it.  If it works, it is incorporated into my mental model of the universe.


Posted: 29th August 2009 by admin in Uncategorized
Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

The Trethowan Blog is a general topic blog intended to cover a variety of issues. These issues will be from the prospective of the particular blogger, mine is of a decidedly liberal point of view. Topics are listed in the side bar to the right. Click on a topic and follow the links. Please feel free to comment. The only comments that will not be permitted are those that contain profanity, racial, or other hateful vitriol and obvious spam. If your comments are generally factual, insightful and are relative to the conversation they will be posted regardless of ideological slant.

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The True Measure of a Great Man

Posted: 27th August 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, Politics
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Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

The true measure of a great man is not by what he takes from life, or what he accumulates in worldly possessions.  The true measure of a great man is by what he gives back to life.  The true measure of a great man is not by the size of his empire but by the size of his estate, the estate that he leaves to the world, a legacy of good works.  To fight with all your heart for those that are of misfortune. To give power to the powerless, to give hope to the hopeless, to seek to lift up those beneath you and call them brother.  These are the measure of a great man.  God rest your soul my brother

Homeless In America

Posted: 9th August 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs
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Pen Truth

Pen Truth Contributor

As I went out to get breakfast this morning I saw a sight that is becoming common in my town.  There on the corner was a woman holding a sign that read; “No work, Need Food”.  I passed three women in a matter of a quarter mile with such signs.  Yes, homeless with signs are common in Southern California, but not to this degree.  I am used to seeing disheveled men holding these signs on our streets, but not clean looking persons.  In clean I mean those that are not addicts, alcoholics or mentally handicapped.