The Iranian people are actually following our lead. The United States has been a beacon of hope to the world not because we say so, but because our actions in the past have not been those of self interest. We stand for the rule of law, the will of the people and support common interests.
Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Should we interfere with Iran’s internal struggle?
Posted: 21st June 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: democracy, demonstration, Iran, protest, struggle
Dollar Democracy, what is your opinion?
Posted: 16th May 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: damocracy, dollar, Obama, vote
An opinion can be represented many ways; verbally, written, in song, by body language (usually in the form of a hand gesture,) and by action or non action. Actions can be as outwardly as public a protest or as private as simply making a donation to a cause or just going to the polls and voting.
Posted: 8th May 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: christian, corporate, fairness, family, Taxes, value
The following is from an earlier blog posted on another site May 8, 2009. We all know what the word value means. The word “Value” is in our face constantly, “Family Values”, “Christian Values”, “Excellent Value”, “Under Valued”, “Over Valued”, etc. The term value is thrown around like some grand ideal yet those that generally […]
We need a fair tax structure.
Posted: 5th April 2009 by Christopher Saikes in Current Affairs, PoliticsTags: democracy, dollars, government, justice
In anticipation of the economic crisis and the possibility of losing my job, I closed one of my IRAs that I had opened only 5 months earlier. I used the money to pay off my credit cards because the company I work is having real trouble keeping the doors open. This decision cost me almost half of […]