Pen Truth Contributor
An opinion can be represented many ways; verbally, written, in song, by body language (usually in the form of a hand gesture,) and by action or non action. Actions can be as outwardly as public a protest or as private as simply making a donation to a cause or just going to the polls and voting.
We do have another way to vote in this country, via a concept called dollar democracy. The idea is that we vote with our dollars for the best product available to us based on all available information. We also can vote for the best political candidate or campaign by way of dollar democracy.
I am 51. Before the Obama campaign I never felt inspired to contribute to a political election or campaign. The Obama campaign was the first to inspire me to do so.
The industry I work in has been in recession since 2001. Today I am behind three paychecks yet I managed to donate to another worthy cause, healthcare reform. In our current economy the largest contributor home foreclosure, job loss, diminished corporate profit and productivity is the state of healthcare. We rate 50 among the world’s industrialized nations in this arena, one point lower and we rate in third world territory.
I invite friends of this site to please follow my example.